Tennessee Educational Cooperative

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It's National Assistive Technology Awareness Day!

Did you know that assistive technology (AT) can make a difference in the life of a child with physical, academic, cognitive, or communication disabilities?

Today we are recognizing our amazing team. They have a wide range of skills and abilities and keep the AT4Kids Center hopping all the time with cool tools and resources to support area students in need.

Janice Reese is an occupational therapist, educator, and RESNA certified ATP who leads our department. Her areas of AT specialty include access accommodations for students with complex physical disabilities and augmentative/alternative communication (AAC).

Lisa Hale is a retired special educator and ATACP certified AT Specialist whose specialty areas include early intervention and developmental preschool instruction, adaptive literacy accommodations, and classroom adaptations.

Rebecca Hofman is currently completing her MS degree in special education and specializes in curriculum access accommodations. She recently earned a Master’s Certificate in assistive technology, is pursuing an ABA certification, and merges AT with behavioral interventions.